Top 10 Best and Famous Universities in The World

Hundreds of talented young people cherish the dream of studying in the best universities in the world. Many may realize their dreams, many may not. But everyone has a desire to know about the best universities in the world. 

The institutions of higher learning in a country serve as one of the main foundations for building a knowledge-based economy. 

We all have more or less an idea about the best university in our country. But the curiosity to know about the best universities in the world remains with us. Today's article is for those curious people! Read the article to know the names and details of the top 10 famous universities in the world according to the importance of 'Higher Education Quality’.

Best Universities in The World

➥ 10. University of Chicago:

The University of Chicago was founded in the twilight of the nineteenth century to shed new light on the doorstep of education for the general public. Located in the United Kingdom, the university is regularly ranked low in the list of top institutions in the world in terms of education, but it has expanded in terms of awards or sports. With satellite campuses and overseas facilities, the University of Chicago has surpassed its U.S. geography in a very short time. After all, this university is also the dream place for many students.

Best Universities in The World

➥ 9. University of California:

Another famous university in the United States is the University of California. This university was established in 1868. The university is being run with 10 campuses. Of these, 9 are undergraduate and graduate campuses and one is professional. The university is located in California, USA. This university is also a dream name for the talented youth of different countries of the world.

Best Universities in The World

➥ 8. Yale University:

Yale University was founded in 1701 in the colony of Connecticut. This university is the third oldest university in America for higher education. The university is currently located in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. It is the second-largest academic institution in the world. 51 Nobel laureates from around the world were associated with this university. This university is also a dream for talented youth.

Best Universities in The World

➥ 7. Princeton University:

The university is located in Princeton, New Jersey, USA. The university was founded in 1746 as the College of New Jersey. Princeton University is one of the nine colonial colleges established before the American Revolution. It is currently the 9th best university in the world. The university teaches Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences and Engineering. It is also an expected university for young talents.

Best Universities in The World

➥ 6. Harvard University:

The famous Harvard University in America has been recognized as the best university in the world. This university was established in 1636. Many intelligent people in the world have been born at Harvard University. Many of the world's greatest prize winners, from Nobel laureates, have studied at Harvard University. Harvard University is the oldest institution in the United States for higher education.

Best Universities in The World

➥ 5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):

Another famous university in America is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The university is famous for its physiology and engineering. However, at present biology, economics, linguistics and management are also taught here. The university was established in 1861. MIT is another name for a huge dream for young talents.

Best Universities in The World

➥ 4. University of Cambridge:

It is the second oldest English-speaking university in the world. It is the third oldest university in the world. The University of Cambridge was founded in 1209. At present 31 colleges are being run under the supervision of this university. 90 Nobel laureates were associated with this organization. The oldest and most famous university in the United Kingdom is the dream university of many young people.

Best Universities in The World

➥ 3. Stanford University:

Stanford University is another famous university located in California, USA. It is mainly famous for research. Stanford University was founded in 1885. The institute started its journey on October 1, 1891, with 555 students. The university was damaged in a cyclone in 1905. It was later re-established in 1906. Many famous people in the world have studied at this university. This university is also a dream name for the youth.

Best Universities in The World

➥ 2. California Institute of Technology:

The university is located in California, USA. It is a world-renowned science and engineering research and education institution, with some of the most outstanding faculty and countless students from around the world. In 1891 it was established as the first ‘Throop University’. It was later renamed the California Institute of Technology in 1920.

So far, 34 Nobel laureates and 58 national medals have been awarded to the students studying at this university. It is also constantly gaining a reputation through various research activities. This world-famous university is the place of aspiration for many talented youngsters.

Best Universities in The World

➥ 1. University of Oxford:

The University of Oxford, located in Oxford, UK, is one of the oldest and most famous universities in the world. Although the exact date of the establishment of this university is not known, it is believed that this university was established in 1096. The University of Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world. It is the second oldest university in the world among all the universities in the world. The university is managed by 31 colleges. This university is a dream for aspiring people.

University life is not as long as ten years of school life. But a few memorable years of life remain to be remembered. And how is it? If you want to study at the university, you can pay the tuition fee at the university of your choice! 

So, friends, You have to dream, you have to try to implement it.

Thanks for reading, Good luck.


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