10 Best Architecture in the World for Your Simple Guidance

10 Best Architecture:

It is not possible to say exactly when man started living on this small planet called Earth. Over time, various man-made structures have become mysterious. People have seen their own creations in amazement. 

Best Architecture in the World

But how man-made all such sculptures or installations thousands of years ago without modern machinery still seems astonishing today. And where there is a wonder, where there is fascination, where there is a limitation of thought, there is a mystery. Today's I wish to share with you the top 10 best architecture in the world.

Best Architecture in the World

➤ 10. Absolute World:

Absolute World is one of the best architecture in the world. These residential high-rises strike a voluptuous profile in Toronto’s largest suburb. With continuous balconies and elliptical floor plans, the 50- and 56-story skyscrapers appear to shimmy and twist, each around its own axis.

➤ 9. Temple of Artemis:

It is also called the Temple of Diana. It is a Greek temple and was built in 550 BC. The people of Athens and Rome worshiped various deities here. The temple was destroyed in a terrible fire in 356 BC.

➤ 8. Eiffel Tower:

The Eiffel Tower is the image that comes to mind when you think of France. Interestingly, the French were not in favor of the installation at all in the beginning but strongly opposed it. Built-in Paris, France, the Eiffel Tower is a landmark event in the history of world construction. It weighs about 10,000 tons and is 964.25 feet high.

➤ 7. The Empty Garden of Babylon:

The most interesting information about this park is that no existence of this park has been found to date. Only some mythical evidence of its existence is available. The empty garden of Babylon, which looks like a big green mountain, is one of the seven wonders of the world. Much has been written about this garden by Roman and Greek writers. From them, some interesting and surprising information about this garden is known. 1,050 gardeners were engaged in intending this garden. 5 to 6 thousand types of flower saplings were planted in this hanging garden. In 514 AD, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were completely destroyed in a fierce battle with the surrounding kingdoms.

➤ 6. The Taj Mahal in Agra:

Another fantasy comes to mind when you see some picture patterns. For example, when I think of the Taj Mahal in Agra, I think of love. No matter what you think, this is an eternal form of love. The untimely death of his wife Mamtaz Mahal left a deep scar on the heart of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan. With that broken heart, he built a tomb over his wife's grave. This is the Taj Mahal. There are many words, many stories, fantasies hidden around this Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal is not only the best architecture in the world, but also it is one of the 7 wonders of the world.

➤ 5. Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy:

It is also known as the Leaning Tower. It is one of the most amazing buildings in the world. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a reclining tower located in the vicinity of the Cathedral in the city of Pisa, Italy. The construction of this tower was completed in 1382 and during construction one side of this famous tower gradually tilted due to a soft foundation. At present, significant steps have been taken to protect this infrastructure, which has been able to prevent it from tilting and collapsing. Taking pictures in front of this leaning tower is very popular among tourists.

➤ 4. Petronas Towers, Malaysia:

When you go to faraway Malaysia, it seems that there is no one who can't see the enormity of this building. The Twin Towers or Petronas Towers in Malaysia are the third highest in the world today. However, from 1996 to 2004, the tower was the tallest tower in the world. Petronas Twin Towers is located in the heart of the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur. It took seven years to build this tower. The tower was built by a joint venture between Malaysian mobile company Maxis and oil company Petronas.

➤ 3. Burj Khalifa: United Arab Emirates:

Burj Khalifa is one of the tallest buildings in the world. It is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Burj Khalifa is like a combination of all the comforts of the world. The height of this building is about 617 meters. The construction of this magnificent building was completed in 2009 and it was inaugurated on January 4, 2010. 

The Burj Khalifa was built after Dubai gained international recognition, and a huge achievement of mankind's excellence in architecture was achieved after the building was completed. It is undoubtedly the most spectacular and interesting place in the UAE. However, a more interesting place for tourists is the observation deck for nature viewing on the 124th floor of this building. The whole of Dubai can be seen here.

➤ 2. The pyramids of Egypt:

Not all the mysteries of the world have come to science. The pyramids of Egypt seem to be such a mystery. Its structure is very important in all branches of modern science. The most interesting thing is that such structures are most earthquake resistant and durable as architectural. No one knows how all the huge stones were lifted hundreds of feet above. No one can say how the stones were cut. Because the stones are so smooth that without highly advanced equipment that is absolutely not possible. They also used special chemicals to preserve the corpses. The whole thing is still a mystery to modern science.

➤ 1. Great Wall of China:

In the list of top 10 best architecture in the world, the Great Wall of China takes 1st place in this list. It is a name that has been heard since childhood. This amazing and longest wall in the world has a length of about 2695 kilometers and a height of 4.58 to 9.2 meters or about 15 to 30 feet. It is about 9.75 meters wide or 32 feet wide. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

I hope you have enjoyed this article on the top 10 best architecture in the world.

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